вторник, 12 февраля 2019 г.

Організація референтської діяльності

Лекції з дисципліни "Організація референтської діяльності"

Завдання практичних робіт "Організація референтської діяльності"
(виконати практичні завдання)

понедельник, 11 февраля 2019 г.

MICT. Exam questions

1. Definition of information and communication technologies. Ways of using.
2. Describe the difference between information and communication technologies
3. Information and communication technologies using in everyday life.
4. Computer ethics
5. Ways of protecting the system from viruses.
6. Phishing, pharming and spam
7. Describe types of computer systems.
8. Describe components of computer systems.
9. Modern input and output devices.
10. Describe storage devices and media.
11. Describe types of networks.
12. Network security.
13. Ways to save your data from viruses and hacking.
14. Using of ICT for communication?
15. Cloud computing: advantages and disadvantages.
16. IT security: what can you do for it?
17. List the types of local networks.
18. Intranet and Internet
19. Information and communication technologies  for study
20. Describe three phases of cloud adoption.
21. Describe some steps for security of your data.
22. Advantages of cloud computing using.
23. Describe some key controls for keeping information secure.
24. Describe ways to secure your data in the cloud.
25. Data protection from cyber criminals.