понедельник, 4 ноября 2019 г.

Modern ICT. Lab#1. Google Drive settings

Labwork #1. Google Drive settings
Goal: to learn useful settings of Google Drive and make work with it more comfortable.
Theoretical part
Read about 20 tips and tricks for Google Drive.( https://www.popsci.com/become-google-drive-power-user)
Video: Google Drive - Advanced Tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FaYNk7UQqQ )
1.     Create file “Lab#1Report_your name” on your Google Drive.
2.     Check the biggest files on you Google Drive. Make screenshots of result. Insert in the report.
3.     Add specialized links to other document on your GD.
4.     Import new fonts.
5.     Add words to the dictionary.
6.     Make folder for MICT labworks. Change color of this folder.
7.     Give access to this folder for review. (lenadvirna@gmail.com)
Answer the questions:
1.     What settings are the most helpful for you?
2.     How often do you use Google Drive?
3.     Do you have offline Google Drive?
Make report of your work (as screenshots) and send to lenadvirna@gmail.com

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