воскресенье, 20 сентября 2020 г.

Кількісні методи наукових досліджень

 Теоретичний матеріал та завдання знаходяться у посібнику.

Виконані завдання відсилати електронною поштою на адресу: lenadvirna@gmail.com

У темі листа обов’язково вказувати прізвище та спеціальність.

ІТ в практиці наукових досліджень

 Навчальні посібники з практики наукових досліджень 

"Сучасні інформаційно-комп’ютерні технології в науці та освіті"

"Методика та організація наукових досліджень"

Завдання для практичних робіт:

Практична робота 1

Практична робота 2

Практична робота 3

среда, 5 февраля 2020 г.


Lecrure #1 Types of business documents (part 1)

Lecture #2 Types of business documents (part 2)

Lecture #3 Business writing

Lecture #4 The requirements of security, data protection, copyright and intellectual property legislation

Lecture #5 Document Management Systems 

Lecture #6 Information Classification Systems

Labwork #1 Resume Writing

Labwork #2 Reference Letter

Labwork #3 Good news letter and Bad news letter

Labwork #4-5 Company Logo and Application for Employment

Labwork #6 Employee Perfomance Report

Labwork #7 Job Description 

Labwork #8 Business Meeting

четверг, 23 января 2020 г.

вторник, 14 января 2020 г.

MICT. Labwork #12

Labwork #12. Online presentation
Goal: to learn more about Online presentation makers.
1.Find information in the internet about online presentation services (3-5 services).

2.To compare them (use table):
Name / address

3.Use 3 different services to make presentation about ICT using in your life (at least 3 slides)
4.Send report to lenadvirna@gmail.com.

MICT. Labwork #11

Labwork #11. Google Forms using
Goal: to learn more about Google Forms using
Theoretical part
Google Forms Full Tutorial From Start To Finish
- How To Use Google Forms - video

Make registration form to some event (form#1).
For example to science conference.
Make a quiz about ICT using (form#2). At least 5 questions.
Make invitation for your birthday party (form#3).
Send your forms to other student of your group.
Analyze answers. Make screenshots.
Send report to lenadvirna@gmail.com.

MICT. Labwork #10

Labwork #10. Online Services For Working With Pdf Format
1. Describe the features of the service (use the table).

Describing of online service
Docx to PDF
Exsel to PDF
Presentation to PDF




2. In all 3 services to convert various file types (documents, spreadsheets, presentations).
Use files for convertion from ARCHIVE.
(Name your files like 1.pdf, 2.pdf,... and write down it in your report table.
For example, 1.pdf is the result of converting docx to pdf )
3. Write your opinion about the services.
Which of them did you like more? Justify your opinion.

Send your report and archive with your files to: lenadvirna@gmail.com

MICT. Lecture #7

Lecture #7. IT SECURITY

Read. Make notes.

Anwswer the questions:

1. Describes the following five key controls for keeping information secure.
2. How to secure your data in the cloud?
3. Why do you need to back up your data?
4. How can you protect your data from cyber criminals?
5. Why do you need to minimise your data?

Send your answers to lenadvirna@gmail.com.